Friday, January 11, 2013

The Best Parenting Advice For Moms

Recently I read this parenting quote somewhere.

"Do not do for your kids what they can do for themselves."

How true. Kids will become more independent if we allow them to do things themselves. For example...

I remember how it was like with my girl. She was the first born and when she went to school for the first time. We had to literally drag her out of bed or carry her to the bathroom to get her to brush her teeth and clean up for school. (because it was so early in the morning and we were worried she wasn't getting enough sleep, we allowed her to snooze etc) As a result, she continued to not want to wake up unless she was dragged. She doesn't need to be dragged now but she is still slow in getting ready.

With the second, (we became wiser), he was excited to go to school on the first day and he woke up and went to the bathroom to wash up himself and we allowed this to continue and it has without issue. No dragging required.

Here is another quote which I made up in a whim.

Sometimes loving someone means not giving them something they love

This applies to kids and sweets or junk food. 

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  1. I agree with you totally. When I was still in the work force, my boy spent most time with my in-laws. He would throw tantrum when the food served at home was not what he fancied and asked me to cook again because this was what the grandma would do! *sighs* Instead of loving him, she actually spoils him rotten!

  2. Totally agree with both quotes. Ever since our maid left, I told my 2 older girls that I ain't going to wash their cups anymore. And I ain't going to fold their clothes too. Those are simple chores and they have to learn to do it themselves else the clothes will be dumped on their bed at night and cup will be sitting on the sink. And if they want to request for a dish, they have to help prepare it too :P

  3. Thank you for sharing these wonderful advice. They are very simple yet very effective. Our little boy is becoming a spoiled brat and this ought to teach him a lesson or two. :)

  4. Out of my four children, my youngest is the most resistant to doing things for herself without being dragged, bribed and threatened. With so many people available to take care of her, why would she ever want to do for herself?! Sigh... yup, gotta work on that one with her.

  5. Sigh. And I thought the eldest should be more independent? My daughter also needs to be dragged out of bed now. But it's so true your quotes.

  6. True. After all the bad experiences we now see that dealing with a difficult start is so much easier than having to correct them later.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this very helpful post most especially to all the mothers out there. Keep on sharing. You can also visit this site for more parenting tips and info @


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