Friday, December 14, 2018

Support for Your Loved One With Dementia

Your loved one who is suffering from dementia no longer has limited choices when it comes to their care or where they will live. In the past, they were either placed in nursing homes or lived with a family member. However, with the right supervision and care, they can continue to live in familiar surroundings in their own home.

Home Care is a Solution

Dementia is a progressive disease and there is no known cure. Alzheimer’s is one form of dementia. Loss of memory, being unable to focus, not perceiving their environment correctly, and the inability to use judgment and reasoning are just a few of the symptoms of dementia. This can make it difficult and dangerous for someone with this disease to live alone. Uprooting them and putting them in unfamiliar surroundings can make the situation worse.

Home care services have become increasingly popular recently as more people choose to stay in their home instead of moving in with family or an assisted living or nursing home. This can be a solution for your mom or dad, grandmother or grandfather that is showing signs of dementia. Home Care Connectors is one company that provides dementia care norwalk ct.

How a Home Care Worker Can Help

There are different types of home care workers from care givers to certified nursing assistants, nurses, and therapists. They can provide many different types of care, depending on your loved one's situation. For example, if your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia and needs help with the administration of their medication, it can be provided. People who suffer from dementia often forget to take their medicine or cannot remember if they already did so.

Care givers can help with preparing meals to ensure your loved one eats healthy. They can take them to doctor's appointments or pick up their medicine. Running errands, providing light housekeeping, and helping them to get around are a few more of the benefits provided by home care workers. Sometimes, just being there to listen and provide companionship for someone who is lonely can help.

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