Friday, December 24, 2010

How quickly the time flies

My blogs have been sorely neglected. However, I am just taking a ........ forced break. The kids are more important. My job as a mother is more important than blogging. Blogging can wait. The kids can't. When I look back at the photos of the time when the kids are little, I realise how quickly that time has come to pass. If you do not treasure that time there and then, it is gone, lost forever. You will never get to enjoy your little boy and little girl again. Oh you can enjoy them when they are older but enjoying them when they are babies and toddlers and preschoolers is gone.

My boy and girl has passed the baby, toddler and preschooler stage. They are both going to be in Primary school next year. How quickly the time flies. How fast. I see some parents who work so hard to make a better life for their children in the future. I hope they do not become so focussed on that that they forget to enjoy the now, the present.

Looking back, with hindsight, I am glad that I picked up my babies whenever they cry, rock them to sleep, marvelled at their long eyelashes, their soft skin and baby smell. Their dad spends a lot of time with them too. Being silly with them, disciplining them and just loving them every step of the way. Our bond with the children is strong for all the time we spend and give to them. Hopefully, that bond, created from the time when they were babies and our memories of them, will help us go through the challenging teen years and last us a lifetime till when the kids become adults.

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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Multiple Roles

I have been playing the role of mother and wife in recent years. They became my primary role.

However, now that father is in hospital, I find that I have to juggle my role with more care now. My father needs me now, more than ever and so do my sisters who need my moral support as I need theirs. So now, my role as a daughter and sister has been pushed to the forefront now too. So I have to do a juggling act. Fortunately, since I am a SAHM, I don't have to carry out the role of an employee as well.

It is not easy to do a juggling act. One must be able to switch between roles easily. One must find the time and energy to give of oneself fully when carrying out each role. Each role is as important as the other. You must think of the others even when carrying out the role of one. You cannot carry out just one role and shut all the others out. Each one cries out for your immediate and full attention and love.

Though one may have the capacity to love many, one has only that many hours in a day and other limitations. It is not easy being a woman, especially during times when everyone needs you just as much.

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