Friday, September 01, 2006

Do you have a question to ask?

I remember when I had breastfeeding problems, I had no one to turn to and so I turned to the web to search for answers. I was desperate! I was stressed! I was about to give up.

Eventually I found This is an excellent site. I want to recommend it to new mothers who need to ask someone a question. You can ask a question on just about anything and get it answered via email by volunteers. Just pick your category, scroll through the biodatas or profiles of the volunteers, then ask your question.

I was so desperate I typed out a standard question and sent it to all the experts in the breastfeeding category. I got a reply between one to three days from the volunteers. Although it did not solve my problems immediately, it helped to have more ideas and views so I could make an informed decision and it helped to just have someone to "talk" to.

Before asking your question, you could also scroll through and view the past answers (the link I have provided is the past answers to breastfeeding questions but you could browse the categories for some other issues or areas which applies to you) then see if any of it helps you. There is a great amount of valuable information there. Do check it out.

Coming next: My desperate question to the experts on breastfeeding.

Help! My baby is still not latching on at 6 weeks!

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