Monday, December 11, 2006

Self Esteem of a Housewife

They say that when you stay at home and all you see is the four walls of your home most of the time, your self esteem will drop. I must say that this is not true for me. I suppose it must be all this blogging. Lol! Blogging helps me keep in touch with the outside world and other mums and dads.

I think my social network has increased even more than when I was working! Its a brand new way of communication and keeping in touch. And my social circle has broaden to include people whom I would not even know nor would even have the chance to meet in real life. But now through blogging, these people have touched my life in some way.

Did I worry that I will become a recluse by being a housewife? Nyah! Its what I've always wanted.... to be home to look after my children, to be there for them when they need me and just to enjoy being with them and watching them grow. It has been most rewarding and no, my self esteem has not dropped just because I'm a housewife. :)

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  1. I have my 'down' days but not when I am blogging. You are right about the blogging bit! ;)

  2. I have my 'down' days but not when I am blogging. You are right about the blogging bit! ;)

  3. bkworm,
    It helps us keep in touch with the world, I suppose.


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