Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mom's Diary

I am "not working" but my diary and appointment book is always full. For example, I have to remember the following schedule and all that it entails....

  • Doctor Appointment for Kid No. 2
  • Mid Year Tests for Kid No. 1
  • Math Competition in School for Kid No. 1
  • Dentist Appointment
  • Class photo day for Kid No. 1
  • Spelling Competition in school for Kid No. 2
  • Take Kid No. 2 to barber
  • Class photo day for Kid No. 2
  • Immunization for Kid No. 2
  • Music Theory Exam for Kid No. 1
  • School Holidays for everyone except mommy who is even more busy than ever!
  • Lantern Festival Party in Kid No. 2's school
  • and so on and so forth
With such a tight schedule, I have no time to be bored. I have only 2 kids. I wonder how those with more kids cope. Their dairy must be even more full.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Motherhood is sometimes a tiring job despite its many obvious rewards. Sometimes it does get tiring and the motherhood journey is hard.

Sometimes all we need is a little pat on the back and a small word of praise. "Thank you for a job well done" (even though it is not quite well done). Sometimes all we need is a little encouragement instead of criticism. "It is your job. Just get it done. Why are you complaining. All I hear is complaining. I want results."

Sometimes it is hard to get caught in between. In between the spouse and the kids. In between the children. In between the school and the kids. In between.. in between...

We are also caught in the fine line between discipline and freedom. When you try to discipline sometimes you are told that you are being too harsh. When you try to give some leeway, you are spoiling the kids.

We must support and praise and encourage and discipline but what support praise and encouragement do we get?

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